People’s Streets – Payne Avenue Project

People’s Streets Cleveland is a grassroots initiative run by volunteers from varying backgrounds who came together to create streets that better serve people. We envision creating connections between diverse neighborhoods, safer streets for all ages and modes of travel, and welcoming places where people embrace their full humanities. Starting with the Payne Avenue corridor, we…


Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, celebrating the diversity, culture, heritage, and history of Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities in the United States. We take this time to learn about history and culture, commemorate contributions to society and culture, and to better understand AAPI experiences today. Here are five ways to celebrate this month!


#StopAsianHate Rally

On Sunday, March 28, 2021, nearly 1,000 people showed up to AsiaTown to stand in solidarity with our AAPI residents and community in response to the tragedy in Atlanta, targeting women in Asian-owned spas, and in response to the rising incidents of anti-Asian hate incidents and harassment, which have continued since March. Thank you to…


Shop Small Crawl

AsiaTown is joining the national movement to support small businesses, but not just on Small Business Saturday. Do the Shop Small Crawl year-round to support AsiaTown small businesses. Join us for the #ShopSmallCrawl! Did you know? AsiaTown is home to 22 restaurants, 5 local grocery stores, 9 retail shops, pharmacies, and herbalists, 4 salons, art…



我们正在进行Imagine AsiaTown想象亚洲城未来的计划,旨在共同为我们的社区未来制定集体战略性构想。愿景的核心是希望我们每个人都能发挥自己的才能,并一起实现这个愿景。我们诚邀居民、工作者,或来亚洲城购物和观光的AsiaTown亚洲城的社区成员,共同想象并为这个未来贡献出自己的一份力量。欢迎各种意见及观点! 要Imagine AsiaTown 想象亚洲城未来? 在2020年,AsiaTown亚洲城正在应对: 与COVID-19相关的失业,反亚裔种族主义 家人朋友、土地、商业、文化和选择的失去 持续的有关安全的问题 新的开发和居民,创造了对社区发展和投资的乐观情绪,也引发了居民对产阶级取代居民和文化的担忧 来自AsiaTown亚洲城团队以及MidTown中诚社区发展组织团队的支持,为居民和企业提供服务 居民和企业通过诸如“甜点如心”和“爱心餐”之类的社区倡议相互关心,以及不断发展的相互支持的邻里关系 面对这些动态,我们需要一起为AsiaTown亚洲城的社区和经济发展制定一个愿景,以更好的服务居民。社区不仅仅是建筑,还包括组成了这个社区的我们。设想AsiaTown亚洲城的未来,将呼吁社区成员采取行动,塑造我们想要体验的AsiaTown亚洲城。 您和我们的社区将选择哪种方式共同创造? 对于社区成员来说,这是一个有关我们发言权的机会,说一说我们周围发生的事情。让我们有机会聆听我们的邻居,家人,朋友对AsiaTown亚洲城未来的看法,并讨论对我们而言重要的事情。一个充满活力的未来是建立在共同改变的力量之上,我们相互联系,使之成为现实。 我该如何参与? 在接下来的一个月里,您可以选择一种或多种方式来表达您的想法。每参与一次活动,您将获得一次参与100美金礼品卡的抽奖活动! 说说您的故事 (与家人,朋友或邻居的面谈交流活动) 谈话指南: 在线打开 or 可打印 将谈话笔记发送给我们以获得赢得100美金礼品卡的抽奖机会! 艺术创作愿景:用艺术传递您的声音 在现在和将来,用任何一种方式来创造您自己的AsiaTown亚洲城庆祝活动。更多细节见下文。 9月26日(星期六),在E.33和Payne Avenue参与我们的中秋庆典活动,以获得一个艺术手工包,为AsiaTown亚洲城创作一件您自己的“手工艺术”! 提交您的艺术作品以获得赢得100美金礼品卡的抽奖机会! 10/14(星期三)或10/17(星期六)的在线社区对话 (选择其中一个即可) 所有参与的居民都将在会议结束后获得一张价值10美金的礼品卡! MidTown邻里愿景 完成这个 调查表即可获得赢得100美金礼品卡的抽奖机会! 将您的反馈添加到这个协作图中 艺术创作愿景:用艺术传递您的声音 想象一下AsiaTown亚洲城 在2030年: 一个您自豪地称之为家的地方,一个您喜欢邀请别人来生活,工作和娱乐的地方。 在100年后:一个您想让后代体验的地方。 这个社区看起来怎么样,感觉怎么样?人们在做什么?谁会是您的邻居?会有何互动?人们如何工作以及在哪里工作?当有人需要帮助的时候,社区如何回应他们?通过绘画,摄影,视频,绘画,雕塑,舞蹈,音乐,诗歌,讲故事,食谱或用任何其他形式的表述方式来分享您的想法。您可以独自或与一群朋友或邻居一起创建这个愿景。愿景需要细节也需要大局,不能见木不见林。您的想法可以从整个社区和它的全球联系,到一个老人与一群青少年之间的单一互动。 在10月5日前将您的想打提交到我们的线上画廊: 将照片/视频/音频上传到您的社交媒体中,标题中提及AsiaTown Cleveland并包括#ImagineAsiaTown的话题标签 发送作品的照片到微信AsiaTownCleveland或 送到我们位于Asia Plaza的AsiaTown愿景箱中:2999 Payne Avenue(ATM机旁边)。 想法数量不受限制!如果您愿意,您可以提交尽可能多的作品! 返回此处来查看来自您的社区建设的好主意。 如果您需要协助,请联系小崔631-988-8375。我们十分期待看到您的故事!感谢您与我们分享您的AsiaTown亚洲城愿景!
 协约:通过#ImagineAsiaTown提交您的艺术品,即表示您同意MidTown Cleveland在其网站上以现场形式上展示您的作品(会提供创作作品的艺术家的名字),以支持Imagine…


Imagine AsiaTown

We are launching Imagine AsiaTown, a process to support the AsiaTown community to discover a collective vision for our neighborhood’s future and the unique gifts each person brings to help turn that vision into reality. We invite you – especially those who live, work, shop, and visit AsiaTown – to imagine and contribute to this future.


Resident Resource Spotlight: Cleveland Restoration Society

One of the things that makes Cleveland so unique is the numerous beautiful and historic homes dotted all over the city. Keeping these structures maintained and in pristine condition honors Cleveland’s past and enhances Cleveland’s future, creating the need for an organization to step in to provide residents with resources to accomplish this. This is…


Feed AsiaTown 爱心餐

Offering free meals to those who need food and encouragement while supporting AsiaTown small businesses! Feed AsiaTown 爱心餐 is a community effort to mimic a community meal during this time where we must stay separated. With special thanks to the Greater Cleveland COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund and its contributing partners, including the Cleveland Foundation, Sisters…


Five Ways to Support Local Business

You can find a list of small businesses currently open in AsiaTown here. As we’re staying at home to flatten the curve and do our part to stop the spread, we’re seeing many ways that small businesses (especially in AsiaTown!) are getting hit particularly hard. Here are some creative ways to support small businesses while…
